What is ELSA?

ELSA represents both European-based asset managers and service providers in the life settlement market, and non-European firms that have European clients in the life settlement space. We have a three-pillar approach to serving our members and the broader market.

Membership Options

Membership of ELSA is open to funding sources, service providers and intermediaries in the life settlement market. Fees are paid quarterly or annually in advance. Our membership application form is available here.

ELSA Member Benefits

ELSA membership carries a range of benefits and joining enables you and your firm to help shape the future of the life settlement and broader secondary life market.

Stamp of Quality

Adherence to ELSA’s Code of Practice is an industry stamp of quality and highlights your firm as a supporter of the highest standard of best practice in the life settlement market

Shape the Future

Participation in ELSA’s various sub-committees enables you and your company/organisation to directly influence the direction of the life settlement market

Access to Resources

ELSA members receive access to content and networking resources that are not available to non-members

ELSA’s Code of Practice


First published edition. Organised into asset origination, asset and risk management, and managing the investor relationship.



Second edition. Reorganised into product design, disclosure and reporting, and sales and marketing.



Third edition. Separated into requirements and guidance. Additional standards added reflecting “Big 4” auditing practice.



Fourth edition. Additional standards added relating to COI increases, valuation, performance attribution, performance fees, data security, medical record updates, external data sources, and overhead and leverage disclosure.



Fifth edition. Performance attribution and loan/(re)insurance disclosure reworded. Key portfolio information and portfolio breakdown reporting revised.



Sixth edition. Member conduct section added. Guide and “Comply or Explain” procedure created.



Current edition. Performance fees and life expectancy updating revised.

Contact Us

Interested in learning more about ELSA? Use the form on the right to send us a message and an ELSA representative will get back to you. If your enquiry is urgent, please call us on the number below.


ELSA, 97 Fable, 261c City Road, London, EC1V 1AP

General Enquires

Phone: +44 (0) 203 490 0271

Operating Hours

Mon-Friday: 09.00 to 17.00

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