Committee Structure
ELSA’s Committees

ELSA has eight committees, each of which focuses on a specific activity. Each committee comprises of a Chair and volunteer ELSA members.

Code of Practice Committee

The Code of Practice Committee, Chaired by Simon Erritt, is responsible for development and maintenance of ELSA’s Code of Practice, our cornerstone standards document.

Conference Organising Committee

The Conference Organising Committee, Chaired by Adam Meltzer, is responsible for curating and producing ELSA’s events, both in-person and virtual.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee, Chaired by Alec Taylor, is responsible for managing ELSA’s budget.

Life Risk News Committee

The Life Risk News Committee, Chaired by Chris Conway, is responsible for Life Risk News’ editorial direction and strategy.

MATT Committee

The MATT Committee, Chaired by Brian Casey, is responsible for development and maintenance of ELSA’s Master Agreement for Tertiary Transactions (MATT), another of our cornerstone standards documents.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee, Chaired by Bill Corry, is responsible for ensuring members adhere to the Code of Practice and for onboarding new members.

PR & Outreach Committee

The PR & Outreach Committee, Chaired by Phil Hall, is responsible for ELSA’s engagement activities with the media and regulators.

Research Committee

The Research Committee, Chaired by Philip Siller, is responsible for ELSA’s research activities.