Longevity and Mortality Investing Industry in Good Health at Life ILS Conference 2024

[London, UK, 31st May 2024] – Industry leaders in the longevity and mortality markets came together at the Life ILS Conference 2024 in London on 21st May to discuss the current state of capital markets participation in life risk.

Held at the offices of EY in London’s Canary Wharf district and keynoted by the Rt. Hon. Lord David Willets of The Resolution Foundation, over 200 suppliers and buyers of risk, both in-person and virtually, heard from expert speakers across a range of life-related disciplines that are impacting their industry.

The overwhelming consensus was that the longevity and mortality markets are in good health.

“The presentations and panel discussions at this year’s edition of the Life ILS Conference showed an industry primed for continued growth,” said Chris Wells, Managing Editor of Life Risk News and Executive Director at the European Life Settlement Association.

“While the prevailing geopolitical and interest rate environment impact our space in different ways, the structural trends remain, and the opportunities for capital markets investors continue to grow because of these tailwinds,” he added.

This year’s Life ILS Conference was made possible by Venue Host, EY; Prime Sponsor, Club Vita; Conference Leaders, Coventry and Longevity Holdings; Conference Partners, ArentFox Schiff, Schroders Capital; Break Hosts, Actuarial Risk Management, BroadRiver Asset Management, Corry Capital Advisors, Preston Capital; and Conference Supporters, Lapetus, Leadenhall Capital Partners, LifeRoc Capital, Kilter Finance, Securis Investment Partners and Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP.

Life Risk News would like to thank this year’s speakers who provided a fantastic program of presentations and insightful observations:

Adam Davis, Andrew Plevin, Ben Grainger, Ben Lyon, Craig Gillespie, David Griffiths, Greg Winterton, Jay Olshansky, John Lynch, Kirsty Maclean, Luca Tres, Matthew Sheridan, Natalie Gleed, Nicky Draper, Patrick Horstmann, Paul Kitson, Prannoy Chaudhury, Raffaele Dell’Amore, Rob Mecham, Scott Mitchell, Scott Hawkins, Steven Baxter, The Rt Hon Lord David Willetts and Tina Woods.

The Life ILS Conference is the leading event in Europe that brings together the capital markets life risk investment industry. Held annually in May, the 2024 edition was the fifth. ELSA looks forward to welcoming the longevity and mortality market back in 2025 on Tuesday May 20th for our sixth year.

The European Life Settlement Association (ELSA) was founded in 2009 to set standards for participants in the European life settlement industry. ELSA represents institutional investors, life settlement asset managers, and service providers to the life settlement market both in Europe and around the world, promoting transparency by providing accurate, authoritative information to investors, regulators, and the media. For more information visit www.elsa-sls.org.

Further Information:

Chris Wells, +44 (0) 203 490 0271, chris@elsa-sls.org


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