For ELSA’s March webinar we have pulled together an expert panel of speakers to discuss the latest in our understanding of the pandemic’s impact on morbidity and mortality. The presentations will delve into the advancements in medical treatments, the roll out and efficacy of the various vaccines and what we know about the the continued impact on older age mortality.

To view the webinar recording please click here.

Gareth Mee, Partner at EY introduced the session and Chaired our expert group of speakers through a series of presentations followed by a Q&A. Gareth was joined by;

  • Nicola Oliver, Director of Life & Health @ Medical Intelligence discussed;
    • Treating COVID-19 in hospitalised patients – a year of progress.
  • Adrian Baskir, Chair @ the International Actuarial Association’s Health Section delved into;
    • Covid-19 Vaccines – the End of the Beginning or the Beginning of the End?
  • Daniel Zollars, Managing Director @ Maple Life Analytics presented on the;
    • Impact of COVID-19 on Older Age Mortality

I would like to thank EY for hosting.

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