The European Life Settlement Association (ELSA) announced 5 new members and the re-election of Alec Taylor as Chair for 2017 at its AGM held on March 14th.

The results of the elections were:

• Alec Taylor, Marketing & Relationship Director of SL Investment Management, as Chair of ELSA;

• Scott Willkomm, CEO of Life Equity as Deputy Chair of ELSA.

• Gareth Mee, Executive Director of EMEIA Insurance- Risk and Actuarial Service at EY, as ELSA Secretary;

• Jim Ray, Investment Analyst of SL Investment Management, ELSA Treasurer.

• Brian Casey, Partner at Locke Lord;

• Bill Corry, Owner of Corry Capital Advisors;

• Simon Erritt, Managing Director of Coventry Capital;

• Mike Fasano, President and CEO of Fasano Associates;

• Jule Rousseau, Partner at Arent Fox;

• Philip Siller, Co-CEO of BroadRiver Asset Management.

Alec Taylor, Chair, said, “We wish to express our thanks to Miriam Martinez, Senior Vice President, Finance & Operations and Acting Chief Financial Officer of Emergent Capital, for her work as ELSA’s Secretary last year and for her important contribution to the association in the past year in which five new members joined ELSA. I welcome our Deputy Chair, Scott Wilkomm and the six members of the Executive. Gareth Mee’s election as Secretary is especially important and appreciated. We wish to thank him for EY’s generous hosting of ELSA symposia in 2016 and agreeing to host the next ELSA/BVZL Summit on September 12th.

We look forward to the contribution of all our Officers and Executive Members, who give their time and commitment to fulfilling ELSA’s objectives. These remain to protect investors interests and to influence industry compliance with ELSA’s Code of Practice.
We look forward to welcoming attendees at ELSA’s next half day, free to attend, Symposium on April 25th, at the offices of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP at 107 Cheapside. The event will include top speakers from the UK, Europe and the US.”

Alec Taylor reported on the success of 2016’s joint conference with BVZL in Munich and announced that the 4th joint ELSA / BVZL International Investors Summit will take place on Tuesday September 12th at the offices of EY in Canary Wharf, where Baroness Altmann, the former UK Pensions Minister will be the keynote speaker.

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