For more than 20 years, LISA has represented every part of the industry at its various professional conferences.
The LISA team are gearing up for LISA’s 25th Annual Life Settlement Conference on October 13-15, 2019, in Nashville, Tenn. With some exciting educational content, networking opportunities and social events planned for attendees!
Based on feedback from LISA members, LISA have created a number of sessions that will share a broad range of business management content, providing valuable insights and practical learning designed for a variety of professionals within your organization. LISA’s goal is to to deliver the timely industry updates you have come to expect from LISA conferences, then go a step further by delivering information to help you grow your business.
LISA’s keynote speaker for the conference will be Heather Christie, an award-winning executive and leadership coach. Heather’s keynote address, “Leading through Massive Growth,” will share key strategies to deal with negativity, disengagement or resistance in the workplace.